I hear a lot of people talking lately about how they are 'spiritual' or 'spiritually-minded.' Ask them about God, however, and they immediately backtrack to a distance they consider safe enough from being 'religious.'
"Oh, I believe, in Intelligent Design" they'll tell you or "I don't think you can only find God in a church" is another good one. My personal favorite is those who declare they are still "open" on the question of God (or god as they refer to Him) and are actively seeking. (And I'm sure they'll get right back with me once they go from the seeking stage to "found.")
As for me, I believe in God. The God, that is, that's mentioned in the Bible and in the Torah. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Moses. Yes, THAT God.
I say this because there is a wide assumption that anyone who claims an allegiance to a particular religion, denomination or specific identity of God is "religious" rather than spiritual. And to take it further, being religious is considered akin to being a "holy-roller," zealot or other type of religious "fanatic."
It is assumed that because I am "religious" that means I am not familiar with the Intelligent Design versus evolutionary debate, am not familiar with the fossil evidence which purports to support claims of evolution, have not studied any eastern religions or have just generally been brainwashed my family, friends or am a "victim" of the society in which I was raised.
Religious folks, are - in a nutshell - uneducated, close-minded, parochial and incapable of independent thought.
Let me say - for the record - that many Christians like myself choose God fully as educated, literate, well-read ADULTS. Yes, I was raised in a Christian church, but I spent many years away from this environment as I sought my own answers. And yes, I studied a bit about eastern religions, visited other worship services and contemplated evolution at one time or another in my life.
And, funnily enough, I still chose God.
Being "spiritual" (i.e., with aspirations to discover what lies beyond the natural realm) is all good as far as that goes.
Knowing what you believe and Who you believe in is much, much more valuable.
Think about it....
Religion, Spiritual,Spiritual,Christian, Christianity, Articles, God
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall
mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they
shall wal...
7 years ago
Amen. I agree.. I have been told that this is just a phase.. going to church and seeking God a phase? To me.. it's not about being labeled a religion, its about a relationship. Praying.. listening.. waiting.. Knowing Who and what you believe in is important.
Yes, Misty - you are correct - knowing who and what you believe in is very important. Come listen to the audio I made on our Creator.
This is an awesome word and very well said.
Awesome blog! Well said...
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?
Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing?
Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing?
Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing?
Then why call him God?”
Faith is the belief in something you know damn well is a lie. God is EVIL!
The reality of the matter is the majority of people are not spiritual in any sense of the word. Those who do go to church or attend any form of service because they were raised that way or because they feel it is proper is what we know as religious people...people like the Pharisees who followed a strict regiment in attempts to please a God according to how they felt they should please. The majority of people in our nation (I won't say the world) grasp for God (the concept of a supreme being) only in times of distress or need, because they allow the every day, the world with it's hardships and responsibilities draw their attention away from the reality that there is a spiritual world that actually directly influences if not in some cases control the physical world. So in essence what I am saying is the majority of people are religious not spiritual and this is the greatest obstacle that we, the body of Christ, the church not the building have to overcome in order to properly get the gospel to the nations.
Truth is, there is a spirit world that people need to know about, there is something after death, there are things beyond normal sight and vision, and there are conditions of the soul that need to be dealt with and addressed. But for now we have a tall mountain to face in speaking to our brothers and sisters. Christianity is one of the top three world religions and is the number one religion for believers who know the LEAST about their faith. It's time for a change and that only comes through communication, study, and fighting a true war. A war against the forces of darkness and in most cases, ourselves and our own understanding.
But I will end on a postive note saying God is raising up men and youth as myself and we will deliver what is needed in these last days to the glory of the Most High God. Jehovah Elohim
Check out my blog as I will do my part to speak the truth to the nations.
There's a big difference between living your faith and your relationship with God and going through the motions. Religion needs to be in your heart.
I agree a lot of people just go through the emotions and when they fade away so does their relationship with God.
As a fellow christian blogger it's nice to see another one. Also I agree with you, 100% while faith is important it can't be blind. C.S. Lewis said that faith is accepting what out REASON once did despite our changing moods. Even Paul told Timothy to always have an answer for his faith. You always need to think, that's what I say. Also, feel free to check out my blog.
Very well said! I love your comment "I still chose God".
Ashley DeMazza
Hi again, Misty.
Please stop by and listen to the song for little Leiby that was murdered. Lyrics are in the comment section.
Great post. Blessings!
Nice post, thank you!
a nice blog, thnk very much
Nice you differentiated between 'religious' and 'spiritual'. The bottom line is you believe in what the word says and let others say all that they want to say about you.
The difference between "Being Religious" & "Spiritual" is this; is all who claim to be so-called "Christians" or followers of Jesus Christ is that Jesus never gave the christian religion, Paul did, but to be Spiritual is to be Christ-like (Philippians 2:5-6). Paul also said that we are saved only by faith & not law, when Jesus said in Matthew 5:17-19KJV "Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one title shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven."
To be spiritual minded is life (Romans 8:6), and most religious people only adhere to the scripture that they think best suit their lives, when 2 Timothy 3:16-17 stated that "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works." Not go to the club Friday & Saturday & then hit the church early Sunday morning with the audicity to call someone else a heathen.
Yow'ab Ben-YisraYah of "Secrets of the Triune God" @ www.yahweh26.blogspot.com & author of "Secrets of the Triune God: Father, Son & The G-Host" www.lulu.com (search ISBN 978-1-257-89529-8)
Shalom – stopping by to share something interesting
The State of Israel was established in the year 5708 to the Creation of the World – and the 5,708th verse in the Torah reads, “And G-d will bring you to the Land inherited by your forefathers, and you will take possession of it, and He will do good to you…” (Devarim/Deut. 30,5)…
I was so excited when I saw this statement that I wanted to check it out for myself (and to have grid available whenever I wanted it). I created a spreadsheet for the 1st five books that would do the calculation for me as I entered chapter, verse, count, total count from Genesis/ Bereshis.
BORUCH HASHEM! I WAS SO HAPPY TO SEE THIS FOR MYSELF! If anyone would like this table (5 books) in PDF form – just email me and I will be happy to send it to you free of charge.
I love it! I so desire for the world to understand that God wants people who can think for themselves. It seems sometimes that religious folks get angry and scared when non-religious folks challenge scripture or God, or ask questions they fear they may not be able to answer. I've come to realize though, that God invites us to challenge the "why's and how-comes" of things, he invites us, in the bible, to think, to "consider" things. He doesn't want mindless dummies, which is why he gave us free will. And yes, God and His word can stand up to any challenge! So we should, as Christians, readily welcome outsiders to question the word, and seek out answers for themselves. We should never be afraid that our "religion" is being challenged and "what if it fails?". God will always win, his word is steadfast and true, and allowing people and ourselves to seek out truth and study those things which are hidden, will only open the doors for revelation to flood their/our hearts. We must never be afraid to question religion... especially our own!
Loving your blog! Feel free to check mine out, I talk a lot about this stuff.
This is very interesting post, I learned a lot from it about the difference between religion and spirituality, now I know what is the real difference between the two, thanks for sharing it. God bless u and more power!:)
This post was printed in our Church bulletin this morning. Have to thank you for writing it. When my wife read it in the car on the way home she said to me, "Wait, this is your life..." Most of the people we know grew up in church which makes it hard for others to understand everything that brought me to this point of following Christ Jesus. "Well, I've always had my faith," is what we commonly hear. Finding out how real God is was the greatest education I received while I was out exploring other things. Thanks again for writing this. God Bless.
Spirituality is not a "thing," not an object that can be identified as something one possesses. It is a process, a growth experience. Ironically, when someone thinks he has achieved spirituality, he has probably lost it. One has it only as long as one is striving for it. Because we can never quite achieve perfection, we are always capable of improving ourselves. As long as we continue to improve ourselves along the lines we have discussed, we are spiritual. If we lose the momentum for growth and become stagnant, baser human inclinations toward gratification and comfort are certain to arise and work against the spiritual life. In spirituality, the searching is the finding, and the pursuit is the achievement.
source: http://geulahperspectives.blogspot.com/2011/10/spirituality.html
I was interested to hear your thoughts on this. I chose God at a young age, under the counsel of my parents and older siblings, only to question God later... I did a lot of research and came back to "choosing God" as a "well-read adult"....
If your interested in some other observations you can find them here... I recently wrote about "knowledge of God" vs. "relationship with God" which you may find interesting
Ben Cabe
I like your blog. We need more discussion and truth. MAybe if you need soem help pushing your view you can look ovedr at my blog http://drschristianplace.blogspot.com. It should help some
Keep up the good work.
Look thou to revelations last verses. Tell me fine fools what dost see. Jesus reveals to the world and all its generations that he is the morning star son of dawn. The very same words used to describe the hated Lucifer. I pray you ignorant sheep ask your Christian priest why o why do you preach all from the new testament but retain the old testaments tenth percent tradition. Ask them why you worship Zeus. For Je is Creator in Hebrew and Susan is Zeus. Why pray thee onto je-sus. Ask why you preach from a book which divideth itself against itself why je-Sus preaches the systematic disobedience of gods ten commandments. Ask where the word God came from for the original holy Scriptures make no reference to God nor je-Sus. How then has an Assyrian deity of wealth and power named Gawd become God in your translation book called the Bible. Ask why you read from a book published by a king who took power from the papacy and crowned himself holy emperor of England. Why did the papacy for hundreds of years sell indulgences to its followers telling them that it would decrease their time in purgatory. How do you make eternity shorter.ask your preacher how you can sell words from a translation to groups of poor people with them handing their money to him with a smile on their face. Ask him how the Bible became the greatest tamer of man which both beats man with words and rewards him with words. Ask him and he shall say. Pray about it for only Gawd our lord je-Sus knows these things. Then ask yourself what is the best place for the devil to hide
No good tree bears bad fruit so Jesus said I am the vine the source of your fruit and only as we are living to please him can we bear good fruit that will last. Most people do well and are making a difference but will it last because if they are not serving the only god they end up serving themselves.
I agree! Excellent post! Hope one day you will come back and write a few more.
An excellent post. Thanks for the nice post
so true, being religious is a lot different from having a living relationship with Jesus Christ.
I love God I believe Jesus is God's son, so call it whatever you want. Frankly my dear I don't care
Exodus 4:22. And you shall say to Pharaoh, 'So said the Lord, "My firstborn son is Israel." '
Hosea 11:1. For, when Israel was young, I loved him, and from Egypt I called My son.
Psalm 2:7. I will tell of the decree; The Lord said to me, "You are My son; this day have I begotten you.
I will tell of the decree: Said David, “This is an established decree, and [one] that I have received to tell this and to make known.”
The Lord said to me: through Nathan, Gad, and Samuel.
You are My son: The head over Israel, who are called “My firstborn son.” And they will endure through you, as is stated concerning Abner (II Sam. 3:18): “for God said, etc., ‘By the hand of My bondsman David shall I deliver… Israel.’” And for their sake, you are before Me as a son because they are all dependent upon you.
this day have I: for I have enthroned you over them.
begotten you: to be called My son and to be beloved to Me as a son for their sake, as it is stated (II Sam. 7:14) concerning Solomon: “I will be to him a father, and he shall be to Me a son.” We find further concerning David (Ps. 89:27) “He shall call Me, ‘You are my Father, my God, and the Rock of my salvation.’”
When we decide to follow Jesus,our lives should demonstrate the difference between religion and spirituality.
You don’t have to be a fulltime pastor, preacher to dispense the love and word of God. Sometimes the Gospel is spread in silence, by listening or through body language.
If you are employed in a salon where the owner and your fellow co-stylists are not Christians-this is the perfect opportunity to demonstrate your walk with Christ daily
When we decide to follow Jesus,our lives should demonstrate the difference between religion and spirituality.
You don’t have to be a fulltime pastor, preacher to dispense the love and word of God. Sometimes the Gospel is spread in silence, by listening or through body language.
If you are employed in a salon where the owner and your fellow co-stylists are not Christians-this is the perfect opportunity to demonstrate your walk with Christ daily
Interesting blog! Keep it up
I understand and see the annoyance or dillema with this and than being asked or needed to believe solely in.... for solely this..... as in Jesus Christ and His Father and The Holy Spirit. There is so much spiritual context in the world though that fits and it is neither condemable or sacred towrds The Father nad his build, The Son and his sacrifice and Holy Spirit form fitted in miracularity that is unknown and loved beyond measure. Spirituality has the most responsibility imaginable and while that leaves them open to default and look bad, it is still their own spirituality as in different but similiar to your own love and belief and faith in your own christ mind and everything that encumbers is seen to be the better way.
this site IS WHAT I EARNED .
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this is all in preparation for publishing and for that to occur we are looking at a needed 5000+ visitors.
The statements in this chapter and the next by Church leaders and pioneer researchers speak for themselves:1
Dr. Herbert Marsh, Nineteenth--Century English Bishop:
It is a certain fact that several readings in our common printed text are nothing more than alterations made by Origen, whose authority was so great in the Christian Church (A.D. 230) that emendations which he proposed, though, as he himself acknowledged, they were supported by the evidence of no manuscript, were very generally received.2
Johann Lorenz Von Mosheim, Eighteenth--Century Ecclesiastical Historian:
Not long after Christ's ascension into heaven, several histories of his life and doctrines, full of pious frauds and fabulous wonders, were composed by persons whose intentions perhaps were not bad, but whose writings discovered the greatest superstition and ignorance. Nor was this all; productions appeared which were imposed upon the world by fraudulent men, [such] as the writings of the holy apostles."3
Johann Salomo Semler, Eighteenth--Century Theologian:
The Christian doctors never brought their sacred books before the common people; although people in general have been wont to think otherwise, during the first ages, they were in the hands of the clergy only.4
There's a big difference between living your faith and your relationship with God and going through the motions.
interesting post about Difference Between Religion and Spirituality thanks for sharing
nice thought!!!
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I whole heartedly agree - I hope you start posting again soon - having a fellow Christian that is well educated really brightens my day :)
I'm here btw: http://jsbtlm.blogspot.com/
For christian wallpapers and screensavers with biblical verses visit http://jj-graphics.blogspot.com/
Thank you for the visit
Really a good article...
Stop by for a conversation between the Mind and the Soul
You bring up a great point in a very articulate and clear manner. I, too, have a blog where I pour out my Christian thoughts. Would you mind following me and occasionally reading what I write?
this was a good Blog, it is a matter of who you believed in, well might say to see is to be believe. but for me believe and you will see, that's faith. me neither im not sure about those fossil, but according to the Bible there are giants on the water so maybe it is existed, but then God still created them, means God rule over science.nice post
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Hi Sonya, I have enjoyed reading your blog. While I am new to blogging, I am not new to women's ministry. I have been in women's ministry over 25 years. I am also a writer. You are influencing alittle of people for the Kingdom! Keep up the work of the ministry!!!
Thank you and God Bless you,
stop by to see the #1 Purim video
#1 Purim Video
"The Good, The Bad & the Ugly" -an animated video based on the book of Esther, in memory of Udi Fogel. Commentary is based on traditional Jewish sources and an essay written by the Rabbi Jonathan Blass: "Pluralism, Antisemtism, and man's strive to divinity".
Great post, I conceive people should larn a lot from this blog its rattling user pleasant.
Truth is, there is a spirit world that people need to know about, there is something after death, there are things beyond normal sight and vision, and there are conditions of the soul that need to be dealt with and addressed. But for now we have a tall mountain to face in speaking to our brothers and sisters. Christianity is one of the top three world religions and is the number one religion for believers who know the LEAST about their faith. It's time for a change and that only comes through communication, study, and fighting a true war. A war against the forces of darkness and in most cases, ourselves and our own understanding.
You said it the way it is, without holding back.
In christianity, it's good to call a spade a spade
Thumbs up for explaining in this article all about the Christian thoughts.
This is an awesome word and very well said.thanks...........
Love this! Please check out my blog.
what a blog. fantastic blog. thanks..
2 thumps up, very well said. A must read blog, you will learn a lot from here. Learning is not only in schools.
well said, good to read a blog from a Christian who owns their own faith and hasn't just borrowed someone else's. cheers, Graeme
I am new to this blog and blogging myself, but it is lovely to see a fellow christian so passionate about his Faith... this is such a good post :)
I couldn't agree more. It is not about the religious group you are in but your personal relationship with God. By the way i just stumble into your blog while looking for a christian education website. And i have to say that i was educated with your post.
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I'm a Christian and I haven't experienced anything of the nonsense you describe, and no Christian I know or anyone who followed the Bible would ascribe to any of the principles or vile practices you list - it's the excesses of the medieval (and indeed at times the modern) "Church" that you're raging against. This "Church" has often sadly had little to do with God or Christianity when it comes to its leaders, and in extreme cases they twisted and perverted the rules and indeed invented their own rules under the veil of "Christianity". The same way you can shoot a bunch of people in the head and then say you're a Buddhist - it doesn't mean that all Buddhists are peace-hating lunatics filled with bloodlust. -
"Not that I have already obtained the prize, or am already perfected; but I pursue, if also I may get possession of it, seeing that also I have been taken possession of by Christ Jesus", Phil 3:12. Let us go on!
Meet Phil Robertson's Gay Lover. Phil Robertson Outed CLICK HERE
Phil is a not so closet homo. His gay lover has come forward. Phil blows a lot more than duck calls! He's like so many Christians, he hates gays and is gay himself, just like Jesus in the Hidden Gospel of Mark
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