I just heard the story today of an older woman whose husband left her for 'the other woman'. Apparently, her husband had been involved in an affair with this woman for 10-15 years. To add insult to injury, after he left her, she discovered he had been moving money out of their joint accounts (and out of his retirement account) to accounts she couldn't touch - in preparation for being with his 'other woman'. This woman is now facing a lengthy court battle, as she tries to regain the money he has, in effect, stolen from her.
There are so many things wrong with this story, it's hard to know where to begin. But I'd actually like to focus on the 'other woman'. (I am in no way implying that her husband was not at fault, but I believe this woman was just as guilty.) The reason this 'other woman' interests me so much is that I'd dearly love to know what's been going on in her mind for these last 10 years or so of her life.
Okay, I'm thinking, she meets this man, they become involved and then they apparently decide they are 'in love' with each other (and, believe me, that's a whole different post). She continues to spend time with him, sleep with him and be in a relationship with this man as he goes home every night to his wife. He probably tells her that he will leave his wife for her (one day) and then she probably aids and abets this man's efforts to re-appropriate money from his and his wife's account and most of his retirement account. He (finally) leaves his wife and they then live happily ever after? I don't think so.
Why not? Because I believe, as the Bible says, that you reap what you sow (or, as the world calls it, 'karma'). Why does this woman think that she is entitled to any happiness with a man who committed adultery (with her) on his wife, stole money from his wife, and spent the last 10+ years lying and being deceptive with this same wife? And, even worse than that - she knew what was going on! She was an integral part of it all - and allowed it to happen. Year after year, month after month, dollar by dollar that was stolen.
I guess my real question is this - Why do women allow themselves to become the 'other woman'? Somebody please explain this to me.
Yes, I know that some people believe you can't help who you fall in love with, but I have a big problem with that line of thinking. You may not be able to help who you fall in love with, but you can certainly help who you think about, who you spend time with and who you sleep with. And I know all about low self-esteem, so that's not a good excuse for me, either. And I know that some women believe there is a shortage of good men, but does that justify stealing someone else's?
I may be a romantic at heart, but I am a realist by nature. And, as a realist, I can realistically say that a marriage or relationship that is founded on lying and deceit has very little chance of lasting. And why (as a woman) would you even want to be with a man who has already proven himself to be a liar? I just don't get it.
Hopefuly, someone will enlighten me, soon!
Religion, Spirituality, Christian, Christianity, Marriage, Cheating
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall
mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they
shall wal...
7 years ago
One word..."maladaptive"
I think people are very bad at diagnosing what is missing or wrong in their lives and even worse at self prescribing what they need to fix the problem. I don't know the specifics involving the people you speak of but it is obvious the man was experiencing a void in his marriage and his "prescription" was another woman to fill the void... instead of working out the problem with his wife...likewise the "other woman has a void and "prescribed" the married man to be the cure for it. I am almost willing to bet that she actually thought she was rescueing this man from his bad marriage. My question is what was going on with the wife...ten years is a long time to not notice what was going on......
Well, for one thing, some of us live by exceptions, instead of the rule, when it comes to how life works.
For instance, it's a known fact that men who cheat on their wives, can't be trusted to do right, in the second relationship. You go in it(as the other woman), knowing that the man you "love" is dishonest, unfaithful, and dysfunctional. Yet, there's some malfunction in the spirit that causes you to think somehow YOUR result will be different, and the man won't do what he has shown he is quite capable of doing,to you.
You believe you somehow possess...something that no other woman (particularly his wife) has, therefore you have assurance that what happens in 98% of the same scenarios, won't happen to you. You're in that upper 2 percent. You're different. You're special. His wife was a shrew, who didn't really understand him.
Satan uses a woman's natural (in the flesh) tendency to compete with other women (and compare herself to other women), against her — in a major way. The man helps to reinforce satan's agenda, by telling her, "You're different from Shaquita. You really are into my needs. You understand me".
It's a head thing. Men get at us, by talking to us. We respond to what men say, even when their actions clearly contradict their speech. That's why we have to learn to short-circuit a brotha, by refusing to let him plant in our spirit, thru verbal communication, thereby cancelling out his game.
As a single woman, I set boundaries with married men. I don't wanna hear about your wife, and what she's not doing. I don't want to hear about how I'm so much more "into the things of God" than she is. Cuz it's very easy to find yourself bonding inappropriately with a married man, resulting in a trap door flying open, waiting for the right time for you to fall thru.
Why do women allow themselves to become the 'other woman'? Somebody please explain this to me.
Simple -- some women have a fear of being alone. There are a lot of women out there who do not want to face the reality that they may be single for life! They have been trained to believe that all women are to be married or live a life in doom as an "old maid". Until they get past this fear of being alone, which to them is equated to be lonely, they will always subject themselves to "being the other woman". In their minds, it's better to be the other woman than to be alone. I'd rather be alone than mixed up in some unnecessary drama!
I think what needs to happen is that these women need to sit down and have a long talk with God and themselves. Truly determine what it is that their hearts desire and stop depending on the "rules" that society has imposed on us to live a happy, carefree and joy-filled life. That's just my 2 cents....
You are totally right about people being unable to identify the real needs of their lives. They (we) seem to think a drink, a smoke or another person will give us what we really need. If only we'd turn to God, we'd find that these things don't have nearly as much value as we perceive.
Ms. Nappy:
We (women) do seem to think that we will be the one who finally changes our man - gets him to settle down, give up his 'other' women and act right. Well, I have learned the hard way that however you meet him is how he is! If he is a liar and cheater when you meet, he will be a liar and cheater after you two get together. And that whole competitiveness thing between woman is truly wrong. But more on that in another post...
Oh, to truly be free! Society has good rules for a reason, but they certainly shouldn't come before the wisdom of God with a good helping of our own common sense. One day, hopefully, we'll all get there!
This type of drama happens everyday. Obviously for a reason/reasons only he can explain the brother wasn't feeling his wife anymore. People fall into and out of love everyday. Even those who consider themselves to be spiritual.
As far as men are concerned, the vast majority of men who are married have either dealt with or are in the midst of dealing with an outside relationship with another women. Most women know this and either choose to accept this fact and don't trip when they find the proverbial earring or smell the perfume on the shirt, or they simply choose to eschew the drama and be alone.
It is better to accept reality and prepare for it than to ignore it and have reality hit one in the face. No married person can carry on an outside relationship for 15 years and the wife/husband not be aware of it. As such, and in this writers opinion it appears that their is more to this story than we're hearing.
It makes the other woman feel such a thrill that she meets some need the wife can't, that she can perceive of herself as better than the wife, better than someone .
I also think a lot of people who are willing to date someone who is married are missing an empathy chip.
But, as my preacher told me during my premarital counseling, "About cheating ... you don't want to be someone who cheats and leaves your spouse for another person. When you do that ... well, those 'new' couples are very sad together. They hold that betrayal in them the rest of their lives."
As for the poster who said most spouses cheat at some point, that may or may not be true, but it's a sad way to live your life to accept or wait for that to happen. I was fortunate to find the right person at 25. If I had waited till 35 or 55, so be it. I'd rather be holding out for the right person (who wouldn't dream of cheating) than accept a sad life split with another woman.
That said, I also think every relationship takes consistent work to keep from reaching a place where one of you would consider cheating.
Okay, I'll stop. Apparently I need to post about this topic myself. ;)
I'm not sure what the other woman may be thinking but I can guess she has unmet needs that God should be filling. For the man, SELFishness. But its all deceit and lies from Satan.
In my own life, there were red flags even before we were married, (kick me) one big one is husband would always choose others over me, even saying it was "God's work" so I just have to wait, making me feel guilty and selfish. He would buy expensive flowers in appreciation for help from a female volunteers and I would be handed the one lone flower that fell out. This year he is choosing a wayward small group over me, choosing to stay even when I was un-rightly chastised for asking a doctrinal question and the leader used fear, intimidation and Scripture out of context. Husband sat there picking his teeth and never supported me in any way.
Last night he said he left his pool keys at home, which is why he had to return there to lock up, then left me home and went to play tennis with someone new he met at the fitness center. I thought it was very odd that he was wearing his new denim shorts and nice shirt to bike and play tennis in?? His normal wear is ugly swim trucks with any old t-shirt.
After 17 years of marriage his heart is still not turned toward home or biblical parenting, or growing spiritually, or me. There is nothing I can do, except pray and "do my part". It is a spiritual issue, and an obedience issue. We've never "been one" as in on the same page in the same book, he claims God has never spoken to him before yet everyone who sees him worship and talk the lingo believes he is a Christian.
He is like a politician, and I agree that most women will follow his words, not actions. I keep telling him his words don't mean anything now, his actions show his heart. The very reason I married him was due to him telling me what I wanted to hear, that he was headed off to Bible college and his desire was in youth ministries. Two weeks after we married, he decides to follow a directive from a bad friend (spent time in prison) and take a job close to him, never to pursue it, and then he said later it was really what someone else said he might be good at :P
Higher asked what is going on with the wife... hurt, rejection, trying to win him without words? He doesn't think there is anything wrong so won't go to counseling.
As for setting boundaries with married men, that is very wise. This newest "contact" from the fitness center has a daughter my DD's age (12), she wants DD to go swimming with her and her mom + my DH at night. I told her Scripture says we should never have even a hint of evil (1 Thessalonians 5:22) and that would produce gossip and make Christians look bad. To DH anyone who acts nice must be a Christian. -
I am a victim of a cheating husband who left for the other woman. My husband was the pastor of a church and she was a parishoner. He destroyed the church and lied to me in his pursuit of this woman. When I found out it seemed as if she enjoyed my pain she was someone I knew and trusted. Now they are together he has recreated his career and left me holding the bag. I think they are two of the most selfish narscisstic people I have ever met. You have to have something missing morally and spiritually in your own live if you think you can solve your marital problems in this way. Divorce would have been easier and more honest without a third party knowing every detail of your live before you know what is going to happen. They are both liars and cheaters. I can;t believe it could be love when it has destroyed so many lives. I do believe that God in his time will take care of them. David paid for his sin. How could someone be happy when they know they hurt so many people. You just exchange one set of problems for the other. It is just easier to cheat the next time. I could never imagine myself doing this. No-one deserves this kind of pain.
I feel your pain Anonymous, my husband also left me for the other woman. I was devastated, we were only married for one year and we had a small baby. They are married now they have a daughter. They seem do be doing very well financialy. I also remarried and I am doing just fine. I use to question God all the time. I would ask: "God, why are things going so well for him and here am I struggling along?" Most married men do not leave their wives for the other women, so there must be something very wrong with me, but you know what I have since realised - God knows best. I can sleep at night, knowing where my husband is, no other women has ever confronted me, my husband allows me to answer his mobile (something my ex would have never allowed).It is all these little things that you learn to appreciate. You have to set them free..."Let Go and let God". I know that when you are hurting and they seem so happy, that you just wish that something can happen to burst their bubble, but things always look better from the outside you don't know what is happening between their four walls, but don't let that be your problem. It is time to concentrate on you. My grandmother always use to say that God will work when you become quiet. When it is time for them to reap what they have sowed it will not matter to you, you will feel sorry for them.Do not make it your mission in life to wait for that day.
To all woman who feel like this is the end...let me tell you it is the beginning of a new you.Cry when you have to, only time will heal the wounds.I use to read alot of motivational books and I prayed alot and there were times I couldn't even talk to God,then I would write him a letter. When I sometimes come across one of those letters, I thank God for bringing me this far.
I have learnt to love myself again, because I have someone that loves only me for me. I have also learnt not to put my trust in men, but in God. What does not kill you makes you stronger.
My husband and I have big dreams and we are working hard towards realising them. He is a father to my son and a loving husband. I do not have riches (yet), but I do have peace of mind. So work hard, pray hard and God will take you to great heights.
To the other women in this world I just want to say: "IF HE CHEATS WITH YOU HE WILL CHEAT ON YOU".
God Bless.
i am the other woman and i have been dating him for a year i left my husband and he left his wife for 2wks and they all went on a family trip 2gether and i went back to my husband i was still un happy i left my husband again and started dealing with the married man again it has been 5 months and he has not left his spouse he says financially he cant leave but he is not happy and sleeps in anoher room and has not had sex with his wife in a year. we are planning to be 2gether do you think he will leav
I met a man three years ago that I dated for months before he went back to a girl he has two kids with. Initially he left her, and moved in with friends in the neighborhood I lived in. She moved down here to the state for him after pleading with him, and breaking a deal to pay the bills, and among other things that are between them.
I had no idea he would do this really so I was hurt. Then I got in a car accident, lost my job, had no car, lost home, and had to move to hotels, and bad neighborhoods. I had to leave my son with my mom and no one would bring him to see me. So I would take a bus, then my mom moved off the bus line.
Then a year in a half ago, I got myself back in school for Health
Servies Management, moved in a condo, bought a 2000 foreign car in cash and picked up my son. I lost everthing, and you could not have told me I would have better things, and more blessings on the way. One of them is confidence, not just looks.
All while I was going through it this man would not leave me alone. I started thinking he must really care. And I believed for a long time he was self-sacrificing for his kids cause I know his gf used another man to get him back in the house, she admitted to me. But then he said it's because he cant leave his daughter without hating hiself, and that I showed him no interest before he moved back, and I didnt show him my personality. He's been saying that last part a lot lately, and those are all very different excuses, and I think maybe he didnt like me thinking I would never be anyone when I fell down a few months after we met. He also uses lines like "its like you have a hold on me, if something happens to you I'll break down, and it sounded like maybe this is my husband and he is in a bad situation, cause I know I was unahappy too for 6 years, but was afraid to leave, change, and possibily be alone.
Another things is the sex is highly passionate, something I never felt. But that could be oxytoxin levels that made me addicted to him. I don't know!
When I would try and leave he would cry, crawl on his knees, pray, and stalk me until I would take him back just to let me down, and leave me broke down sobbing.
A couple of months ago I miscarried with his child, and it hurt like hell physically and mentally cause he was diabolical. Everytime I tt him I would bleed. I wanted to die. I cried so hard the doctors admitted me to the mental clinic for 48 hrs, and listed him as a trigger. He said he was going to be there, but he was a totally different man, mean, I didn't even know he had it in him.
Of course after I miscarred he was so sinsere and sorry. Yeah right! Then after I was admitted he really tried to change to keep me around, and picked me up, to the least, since then he hasnt let a day go by without calling.
The more I hung around him after that I started building resentment.
So I prayed to God, father of Abraham to help me before he kills me emotionally with the lies and manipulation. Because I'm weak, I had no good upbringing and I must have low self-esteem to stay in this.
He's never bought me nothing, but dinners, and movies, and going out to dance and drink, but nothing real. Sure fixed some things around the house. But I'm not going be his fool, cause hes been thinken hes better, and got it goin on, having his cake and eating it to.
But I deserve more. Not to mention he has three kids, one he pays child support for, and the two he lives with. If they break up she will file to im sure. I dont want to have to deal with that either anyways. But its not the kids fault.
Sometimes you never know what the man could be saying to the other woman. His gf knew he left me, but still rubbed it in my face that she was cute, lied and said shes a nurse. So he's not a trophy and I don't want to be one of his stupid woman, even though I love him, but truly what does love have to do with it. And no real woman is going to put up with him, especially since no one is married to him. I can just leave.
I never considered myself the other woman, never thought about competing with her, honestly. And this was the first and last time I'll ever me in this mess again.
He's been calling all through the early hours in early early morning, day and night. But I havnt fell for it, so besides being fed up, my prayer must be working.
I have been married for 24 years now with two children ages 23 and 14...my husband left me but i know in my heart he was cheating all the signs were there, he no longer desired me and he was always abusive to me which really escalated before he left, he denies there is another woman, but he became very upset the day i found the number in the cellphone and called it and deleted the number he asked for his number back and left the following day, he has not taken all of his things yet he does not want the neighbors to know he has moved out, but yet he is not there anymore..(strange) i am going along with it for now, but there is no relationship between he and I anymore and he wants to be able to come in and stay from time to time when he feels like it..so basically he is holding me back while he waits to see if this thing between he and the new woman will work out because i think she is married as well..never the less, i feel i have been reborn..God has given me peace after days of crying and depression i was devastated and i can not say i did not do some things that he did not appreciate, after years of abuse i turned to prescription drugs and i became addicted..i begged and pleaded him to help me but he would not he saw that as his way out. but let me add this is not the first affair we have dealt with he has cheated on me two times prior to this that i know for sure..so God is so Good, because after finding this blog, i feel totally free, i do not wish any bad luck on him i wish the best but i know the relationship is not going to work because this is one of the oldest tricks of the enemy, grass always seem greener, so Ladies plz respond and provide me encouragement this is still young for me and i am praying my way thru
My heart goes out to all of you. The women who have been cheated on and the ones who have been or still are the ow.
Sin is so prevelent in this world today. satan knows he does not have long left so is doing all he can to destroy.
My husband is living with another woman at this time. They had been committing adultry for several months before I found out. My husband had a friend who was helping him cover it up.
As most other women do she thinks he loves her and will be just what she needs. She treats him worse than I ever did. She uses him for what she wants and gives nothing back. She leaves about every two or three weeks and parties for a few days then calls him to come and get her. She is out of money by then and needs someone to supply her alcohol and cigs.
He feels like he is so much better than she is so that is what he gets out of the relationship.
She always calls me when she gets ready to leave and tells me she wants to get in church and change her life.
A friend said to me yesterday that she can't believe she is in the situation she is in and calls herself a christian. But I truly believe that's the point having experienced the same thing. The devil is working overtime to destroy our connection with God. When we're in these situations we become self-absorbed and pull away from our friends who could hold us accountable and help us and away from God and behave as if these men are all we need to survive even as they often prove daily that our survival and happiness are not their priorities. Let's be interested in the lives of our friends, listen to them, pray them up and open up to them and have them keep us before God in prayer because it's a really lonely world and it's just too easy to get involved in the wrong relatonships.
My husband had an affair and eventually left me for the other woman. Our youngest child is only four months older than their other child. In looking at the whole situation, the other woman was professing her love for my husband after only three months and wanted his baby. She had two other children by two different men already, and was ready to have a third child.
My husband revealed some things, like the fact that the other woman wasn't as smart as I was, letting him feel smarter around her. She wanted a man to raise her kids and didn't care about leaving my children fatherless. They moved to another state a year ago and now my husband is living on his own. Cheat with you, cheat on you. He wasn't treating her the way she wanted to be treated and she was going all out for him, even ignoring her own kids. She replaced him with another man, who moved in after my husband moved out.
I have a hard time dealing with everything and am seeing a counselor. She has told me that I have to respect that he wanted to leave and left. But that it is disrespectful for him to come back. He stays here when he visits the kids. I do feel it is disrespectful and will not allow it anymore. He gets to come and be DisneyDad and play at being a family, then goes back home until the next time.
This year, he finally admitted that he had at least 25 affairs for the 15 years we were together. It is hard to deal with that and the fact that he wasted so much of my time with his bs. I had plenty of opportunities to cheat but chose not to handle marital issues that way. He did it as a way to get back at me. Now, he's living with regret. His kids don't really like him and don't respect him at all. Everyone knows what kind of person he is and how he handles himself. He has to work two jobs to support 4 kids and himself.
A person like this doesn't even love himself. Because once he found out she gave him herpes, he still stayed. Both of them have low self-esteem and deserve each other.
Its better to start with new life, reason is why to care for those person who does not care for you. If he or she had some feeling for you he should not have cheated you, so better with new life, forget the past.
I have read the posts and have come to the conclusion, I am the other woman. I have been married for 22 years. There hasn't been very many years that my husband has been faithful to me.
These comments talk about the other woman, I say that the woman who is married is actually the other woman.
How? I can hear some say. The man I fell in love with, who prayed with me, read the bible with me, loved me, decided that any available opportunity to romance someone else was far better than what he had at home.
Sadly, we want to be the wife, and that is clearly what we are, by paper and covenant agreement. However, if a man has no affection for the woman he married and promised to love forever, decides to cheat, then the wife has become the other woman.
With their "tax and spend" rhetoric the gods have effectively used the Republicans to transfer responsibility for the $14 trillion national debt to the Democrats.
Ronald Reagan spent the communist block into submission with defense buildup, and in the process increased the debt from $1 trillion in 1980 to $6 trillion when he left office.
W charged both the Iraq and Afghanistan wars to the national debt, honest numbers to come.
Recall Clinton ran a surpuls at the end of his Administration. Fueled by low petrolium prices, understand how the god's other tools were used to create this "revelry cycle", one which assures people have little motivation to pursue the path and repair their relationship with the gods, for contentment never motivated anyone.
As the gods used W to initiate the recession with deliberate legislation changes, ones which allowed the sub-prime fiasco and corporate irresponsibility which led to the multi-trillion dollar stimulous package, expect this wasn't the first Republican-led attempt or the beginning of the god's "reverse positioning" strategy designed to create an enviornment to motivate people. Much like the immigration issue, where the intent of the vocal masses contradicts the god's true intent of clue warning against coming to the US, many (most) conservatives and those capitalizing had alterior motivives to these eras of "deficit spending":::::
With legislation facilitating temptation to those who are in position the gods have created a trap, much like the tax code and other examples throughout the economy, which will be addressed in these individual's future lives, and fulfills the goals of motivation the gods have laid out for the peasantry:::The gods prey on the wealthy with temptation too.
These are FINE examples of steps the gods took to ensure a sufficiently deceptive environment as the masses began to understand the god's sytem and methodology. For those who would listen I was used to assist people to rapidly increase their understanding of this system. Unfortunate for me, the gods can claim they never intended this, despite being control freaks who guide everything specifically and have the power to force it with AI, and now they are free to fuck my brains out subsequently. Lucky me.
Those whom the gods wanted to have confidence in their relationship were told when to take their money and put it into real estate. After selling at the peak of the market,they were able to reinvest in the market at DJIA 6,000.
This is a big part of the scam we have recently witnessed. Expect this to be the way gangsters and those who "go along" steal in this modern era.
I do not want individuals such as this to learn from me. You wanted a bitch should have used JC.
If you had any worth you'd be killing all along now, no reincarnation. Fuck saving everyone for the Apocalypse.
Buttfucking gods. I hope they die.
"The Crucible" happened with Amy for a reason.
Unfortunate for me, the gods can claim they never intended this, despite being control freaks who guide everything specifically and have the power to force it with AI, and now they are free to fuck my brains out, just as they did throughout my childhood. They say they were merely trying to help me but they were preparing for this global telepathic event:::The REAL Second Coming.
Come with me if you want to live.
When I got married my 82 yr. old aunt told me "God wants you to be a good wife and mother and that means taking care of your home, raising children and satisfying your husband's desires. If you don't want your husband to seek comfort elsewhere you will make sure to do your wifely duties." She then went on to say that I should not be a prude, enjoy myself and have a little fun because engaging in "whatever" with one's husband in their bedroom is not nasty or perverse, that's how you keep a happy husband and stay married! Aunt Clara had been married for 60 yrs. and Uncle Roy always seemed confident, happy and content. I also received advice from Aunt Virginia who told me "be your own woman and don't let your husband treat you like a whore". Aunt Virginia had been divorced 3 times, all of her husband's seemed miserable and unhappy and she herself was a grouchy old lady. I decided that I should listen to Aunt Clara and always remember to satisfy my husband in the bedroom. I will admit, there were a few times when he wanted to get a little wild and I felt a bit awkward but I remembered Clara saying that nothing was "perverse" if done with my husband so I tried to relax, not be uptight and play along. There were also a few times when the kids were small (a 4 yr old and 2 yr twins!) and I was too tired to submit to my husband, after a while of having no "outlet" I noticed that we argued more and my husband was cranky and resentful. I understand that some men will cheat because they are looking for that thrill of conquest and they want other women, and MANY women! But I believe there are also men who cheat because their wives attempt to dictate a celibate marriage by refusing to engage in lovemaking, for whatever reason and that is NOT fair to their spouse. If a man attemps to dictate a sexual marriage and FORCE his wife to have sex with him it is called "rape".....what do you call it when a wife forces her man to be celibate by refusing physical affection?! If a wife thinks her husband is not having sex because SHE isn't having sex with him then I would call that foolish.
I am the wife. I never thought my husband was capable of an affair. How wrong I was!
He ended the affair and all contact with her. I hired a PI to watch him and so far, it seems
He is a good man that made a bad mistake. Further, his girlfriend tells me on the pc," I thought this was the man I truly loved and he has a bad sickness and he used me!"
I told her
You knew it was a snake when you picked it up. You had sex with a man who lied, is dishonest and has no regard for the sanctity of marriage. He may have used you, but you used him too.
We are still repairing our marriage and I will say with confidence that God Himself has done this miracle in our relationship. He never lies to us and has been faithful. I could not be here if I had flown on my feelings alone. I had to do what Gods word says.
But I wanted to go to an attorney, and tell him to draw blood! The other woman wanted him for his money. That is clear.
I am grateful that we are once again in love and my dh shows me everyday how much he does love me and says thanks for putting up with me.
Stay on your knees wives..pray that God will block all activity between your dh and his other woman. He can cause the whole thing to stink, and by the power of the Holy Spirit, He supernaturally brought my husbands mind and heart where it should be.
Yes, it still hurts sometimes...but we are better than ever today. I will accept that God is not through dealing with my husbands heart. In fact, I ask Him in prayer to deal with both of us and reveal the TRUTH to the other woman.
2 Timothy 1:6-7
I am the other woman. I believed him when he said he loved me.
I believed him when he bought me pretty things and sent flowers and we made hot white love on the floor. I believed he was the one. All along I knew he was married. All along there was a lingering doubt that this was going to last. His wife was my friend. She says they never stopped making love, they had a great relationship...he bought me a seiko watch..his wife got the Rolex.
Yes, he was using me and being selfish. Guess who got left behind? You are correct. Me. It is not worth it. I run from married men now. I have had enough heartbreak to last my whole life . I can't find a decent job now. Why was I so stupid?
True Love The Attraction Love Spell that you cast on me is really amazing and Finding your email on the internet was a godsent. Even better, Dr. Agbon, you’re the most considerate and compassionate man I know. I was so down after being loveless for almost five years. I requested a love spell and, amazingly, it worked! Next week I will marry the greatest woman alive and I think it’s the real thing. To thank you, indiapowerfulspell@yahoo.com would not be enough, considering what you’ve done.
This is where i got into allot of stuff I didn't even understand, but it all ended the same way. Needed more spells, more money, and
nothing ever worked like these so called spell casters, physics, mediums, wicca's, pagans, egyptian magic spells, or anyone else
said. Literally I spent over 50,000 on spells in just 6 months. Let me help you out there, the people reading this, I have literally tried
almost every spell caster out there and they all just took my money and made promises that they could not keep. 50,000 dollars
worth of broken promises and lies. In all honesty its not even about the money. I would gladly give any amount of money to have
my love back, but it was about the empty hopes and promises. The constant torture of thinking she would come back and didn't.
The emotional roller coaster that these people put me through should be against the law. At one point I almost committed suicide.
Had it not been for the kids being there I would have and would not have thought twice about it. Then with the last bit of dignity
that I had I turned to freemercytemple@yahoo.com . I didn't have any money left at this point and had lost about all hope in ever
getting twinny back but i still contributed with the little i have and with hopes with the email and advice i was meant to do anything,i
just did as the freemercytemple@yahoo.com said in 6 days i got twinny back begging to forgive in what ever way she has
offended me and with this spell casting i am happy again with my only lover.
Hello, everyone my name is CIARA from USA i never ever believed in spell until i meet a man called Dr CAFI who help me cast a spell that bring back my husband who left me for one years before our marriage, His spells works beyond my imaginations and today i am happily married two kids and me and my husband now husband are very happy more than ever before, what more can i say rather than to say thank you Dr CAFI for been there for me, contact him today and your life will never ever remain the same his email is cafilovetemple@gmail.com
Hello friends.My name is Sarah. I'm from from kenxas, but am in Australia.Been living in Australia for years now.I never believed in all spell caster.i Have been scammed by many different people.I lost hope in them.My ex left me.I was devastated.I lost my job.My best friend saw my situation.Then he introduced me to Dr Idibia .i Was told his work is free.Never believed until i got in touch with him.He did a spell for me. i recover all my money and My ex came back in less than 72hrs.I was recalled at my place of work.Was even promoted immediately.I couldn’t believe there is a real Dr out there who does free spells.I only paid in appreciation after the spell had worked.He doesn’t charge anybody until the spell has worked.You all shouldn’t be deceived by all these scammed that are there for money.Dr Idibia doesn’t charge.You can only pay for the items and he will start the spell-casting.Try him and see what am saying.These are the few things he does
You can get in touch with him through THIS EMAIL ADDRESS {greatidibiaspelltemple30@gmail.com} OR CALL +2348103508204.
I am the other woman. He wasn't married but in a long term (14 years) relationship with a woman he had a child with. They never married because he claimed they were never in love. That it was all about their son. Well we spent a year and a half falling in love behind closed doors. He would tell me the most amazing things about myself. He never talked bad about his girlfriend, just said that it was loveless and that they would break up soon. Aside from the chemistry bringing us together I will admit that it was the feeling of "outdoing" another woman. I am not a jealous person, or spiteful, or even that competitive with other women. I am just always the bridesmaid, always the buddy, always the girl that my guy friends want to fix up with someone else.. Always find them when its too late. When I met him (through work) he made me feel so special. Made me feel like I was more important than his girlfriend. It felt so good to feel so needed and so special.
Well he finally did it... he broke up with her... a week after I started dating someone. I told him I couldn't spend my life dating someone else's boyfriend. Well he waited till I had a casual thing going with a SINGLE good guy. Then he broke it off with his girlfriend. Guess what....? Within two weeks he had a new girlfriend!! Some 22 year old college student/model from his gym. Then he blamed ME for breaking his heart and dating that guy when he had "given up everything to be with me".
The worst part is that I am letting him use me to this day. I can't say no. I truly love him even though I'm being manipulated and verbally abused. He calls me terrible names. Tries to make me feel bad for going in that date. Blames me for him dating this young girl. Like she is some sort of threpy for the damage I did to him. I can see him manipulating me and i can't stop. I wish I knew how to stay away. He still visits me when he gets off work. He is cheating on this brand new girlfriend and yet I still would do anything to be his. I'm not a psychology major (like his new girlfriend is) but I know there is some mind game at play here. Its so easy for people on the outside to condem me and say how easy it is to walk away. Its not easy though. I'm a pretty girl with a good job and nice things. I feel like I'm empty without him though. I work in law enforcement and have a very difficult time meeting guys. J feel like I finally found one and he is the worst thing.
So for those of you women wondri g what causes someone to be "the other woman"... I can only speak for myself but I know I'm not alone. We are victims of the same men. They lie to you and they lie to us. The difference is that they great us better than. They treat you... at first. They have learned from you how to impress women and we fall for it hook line and sinker. And I admit yes, they use our desire to complete with other women against us. I never had bad feelings for his girlfriend but I had good feelings that I could make him happier than she could. Its all a lie I know. I am too money to stop though. I'm crying typing this. He is in a date with his new girlfriend right now. I'm in my empty king sized bed... with my dog.
You might be his special princess today, but his next special princess is only a trip to the gym away.
I am the other woman. He wasn't married but in a long term (14 years) relationship with a woman he had a child with. They never married because he claimed they were never in love. That it was all about their son. Well we spent a year and a half falling in love behind closed doors. He would tell me the most mamazing things about myself. We took vacations together. He never talked bad about his girlfriend, just said that it was loveless and that they would break up soon. Aside from the chemistry bringing us together I will admit that it was the feeling of "outdoing" another woman. I am not a jealous person, or spiteful, or even that competitive with other women. I am just always the bridesmaid, always the buddy, always the girl that my guy friends want to fix up with someone else.. Always find them when its too late. When I met him (through work) he made me feel so special. Made me feel like I was more important than his girlfriend. It felt so good to feel so needed and so special.
Well he finally did it... he broke up with her... a week after I started dating someone. I told him I couldn't spend my life dating someone else's boyfriend. Well he waited till I had a new casual thing going with a SINGLE good guy. Then he broke it off with his 14 year long girlfriend. Guess what....? Within two weeks he had a new girlfriend!! Some 22 year old college student/model from his gym. Then he blamed ME for breaking his heart when I dated that new guy. He claims he had "given up everything to be with me".
The worst part is that I am letting him use me to this day. I can't say no. I truly love him even though I'm being manipulated and verbally abused. He calls me terrible names. Tries to make me feel bad for going on that one date. Blames me for him dating this young girl. Like she is some sort of threpy for the damage I did to him. I can see him manipulating me and i can't stop. I wish I knew how to stay away. He still visits me when he gets off work. He is cheating on this brand new girlfriend and yet I still would do anything to be his. I'm not a psychology major (like his new girlfriend is) but I know there is some mind game at play here. Its so easy for people on the outside to condem me and say how easy it is to walk away. Its not easy though. I'm a pretty girl with a good job and nice things. I feel like I'm empty without him though. I work in law enforcement and have a very difficult time meeting guys because of my schedule and location. I feel like I finally found one and he is the best/most terrible thing to ever happen to me. Some of my friends found out and won't even talk to me any more.
So for those of you women wondring what causes someone to be "the other woman"... I can only speak for myself but I know I'm not alone. We are victims of the same men. They lie to you and they lie to us. The difference is that they treat us better than they treat you... at first. They have learned from you how to impress women and what we want to hear. We are new and shiny so they turn on the charm, say all of the right things and none of the bad. They know what irritates their wives and they don't do it around us. We fall for it hook line and sinker. And I admit yes, they use our desire to complete with other women against us. I never had bad feelings for his girlfriend but I had good feelings that I could make him happier than she could. Its all a lie I know. I am too weak to stop though. I'm crying typing this. He is on a date with his new girlfriend right now. I'm in my empty king sized bed... with my dog.
You might be his special princess today, but his next special princess is only a trip to the gym away.
what a wonderful world we are living, i still doubt this spell caster how he did it!!!
My mouth is full of testimony, Am blessing my husband left the home for two years to south Africa for a tourist,he meant a prostitute and he was bewitch by the girl my husband refuse to come back home again, i cry day and night looking for who to help me, i read a news paper about a powerful spell caster called Dr okojie and i contacted the spell caster to help me get my lover back to me and he ask me not to worry about it that the gods we fight for me.. he told me by mid-night when all the spirit is at rest he will cast a spell to reunite my lover back to me. and he did in less than 3 days my husband came back to me and started crying that i should for forgive him, i,m so happy for what this spell caster did for
me and my husband..contact on his email drokojiehealinghome@gmail.com is the best spell caster in the whole wild world. he is specialized in solving of other problems including the following:
(1) If you want your ex back.
(2) if you always have bad dreams.
(3) You want to be promoted in your office.
(4) You want women/men to run after you.
(5) If you want a child.
(6) If you need financial assistance.
(7) If you want the cure of HIV AIDS
contact him now for immediate solution of your
problems on Drokojiehealinghome@gmail.com
Thank you
It is now almost 2 weeks after I heard..."I told her I would try one more time" from a man that I had given my all to.
This is the first I hear of a wife being involved...that he never got divorced. Even though she had left the marital home at one time, but, due to her falling on harder times, he let her back in. There was NO relationship and has not been for 7 years. Not now, or ever, was there anyway he was going back to her. She was always "the ex". I trusted him.
We are now on a time out. He is out of the country for another 10 days and will return with an answer about who he will be with.
I blame myself. He blames himself. He says he feels like an asshole. He is very sorry he hurt me. I had nothing to do with his decision to try again. He cannot just let go of 40 years of marriage. He does not know if he loves her even, or, if it will work out. He does not want to know if she has committed adultery.
Because I do not trust her I went on her Facebook page and got info to use to track her down. I needed to see that she was where she was supposed to be and not off to the US. I believe she caught this person that she has had no interest in for 7 years in a very weakened position as he was down with the flu. I believe she started hounding him. He never would have started the conversation. IMHO.
I had no idea exactly where she was located. I saw the number 44 posted and right across from the booth, as soon as I walked in the one of 2 entrances. ...there she was...sitting a mere 25 feet away. I said nothing... did nothing. After a few minutes a man sitting beside her began trying to touch her rather playfully. So it gets my curiosity up...who is this man and especially to her?
This is no guarantee that she will not go through the week...easy enough to do from here.
He promised me... "no ladies and no having sex with her until he makes up his mind. I have now stated my bottom line. Marriage, first! I really don't think he will return to me.
He wants to continue to be friends. He will never forget me
he says. That remains to be seen. I am not friends with any past relationships. He has promised to pray for divine guidance. I search The Word for answers. I don't believe we are allowed to marry.
I never dreamed EVER of being in this position. I have ALWAYS turned down relationships with men who were only separated. I would say, "I will be the one left to cry when you go back to your wife".
The tears are flowing even though the decision is not yet apparent .
For health reasons, I cannot continue to grieve like this. I am diabetic and it raises my blood sugar. My doctor has advised me to try to pull myself together.
You have no idea my pain levels from this, plus, just discovering I have an L1 Fracture in my spine, due to a fall 2 years ago. Dogged with pain and spasms and no help was given...no x-ray... no nothing!! Just sat for 3 months with ice and heat and Tylenol. I am off the scale for another breakage somewhere down the road if I do not take medication to strengthen my spine for the rest of my life.
A broken heart and a broken back. Sick...not only diabetes but fibromyalgia and ADHD with learning disabilities.
No family to help me as we have been estranged for 8 years
Parents died 32 days apart from cancer in 2007. That was the beginning of the true nightmare.
My life story is all about one bad ending after another and grief upon grief.That is why I suffer from compounded/complicated grief.
I am a Born Again Christian and so this is making me sad how I have broke God's heart.
I don't feel comforted by Him with all that I have been through. I cannot feel His Love and now He will chasten me...for how long? I know not... I am a very slow learner.
I am Anneken Bathild From United State of America. Am writing this article to thank Doctor Ebakor the powerful spell caster that just helped me recently to bring back my HUSBAND that left me for another woman for no reason for the past 4 years. After seeing a post on the internet by Angela Schmickl from Finland saying how she was helped by Doctor Ebakor, i also decided to contact him for help because i had to choice because all i wanted was for me to get my HUSBAND and happiness back. Am happy today that he helped me also and i can proudly say that my HUSBAND is now with me again and he is now in love with me like never before. Viewers reading this who wants help of different kinds what so ever and want to contact Doctor Ebakor should contact him via his email address: [Doctorebakorspelltemple@hotmail.com] or you call him: +2348135254384..
You can also call me with my number if you want to know more [912-387-2094].
Greetings to every one that is reading this testimony. I had been rejected by my husband after three(3) years of marriage just because another woman had a spell on him and he left me and the kid to suffer. one day when i was reading through the web, i saw a post on how this spell caster on this address realhomeofspell@outlook.com , have help a woman to get back her husband and i gave him a reply to his address and he told me that a woman had a spell on my husband and he told me that he will help me and after 2 days that i will have my husband back. i believed him and today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the power to bring lovers back. because i am now happy with my husband. Thanks for Dr Baba. His email: realhomeofspell@outlook.com
Do you need your ex love back? contact Dr. Ibudu on his email: (tinalovespell@yahoo.com) he help me bring my ex husband back and i believe he will also help you.
I am Mary Hanson, I have been rejected by my husband after three (3) years of marriage just because another woman had a spell on him and he left me and the kid to suffer. one day when i was reading through the web, i saw a post on how this spell caster on this address tinalovespell@yahoo.com have help a woman to get back her husband and i gave him a reply to his address and he told me that a woman had a spell on my husband and he told me that he will help me and after 2 days that i will have my husband back. i believed him and today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the power to bring lovers back. because i am now happy with my husband. Thanks to Dr. Ibudu. His email: tinalovespell@yahoo.com And his Phone number: +2348078467513
i have had a lot about Mama Jaja and her good works in bringing back lost relationships and restoring life, but i never believe in spell casters to get back my husband who left me and three kids over three months ago. so a good friend of mine introduced me to mama jaja spell just because my condition was so bad and the responsibilities on my head were more than me. my husband left me for another woman just because he doesn’t love me anymore. so i email mama jaja and told her everything, she told me not to worry that my husband will come back. she only told me to believe in her that after casting the spell my husband will come back immediately and beg for forgiveness. mama jaja actually did it for me and my husband came back to me within two days. i am very happy and all thanks goes to mama jaja. I promised mama jaja that i will share this testimony to every one if she make me to be happy with my husband again. and she also did it, as I'm sharing this testimony to every one out here. Now i am the happiest woman on earth because mama jaja restored my marriage with.
I want to use this means to let the world know that all hope is not lost Getting pregnant after having tubes clamped and burned, I know IVF and Reversal could help but it way too cost, i couldn't afford it either and i so desire to add another baby to my family been trying for 5 years, not until i came across Priest Babaka, who cast a pregnancy/Fertility spell for me and i got pregnant.l hope that women out there who are going through the same fears and worries l went through in GETTING PREGNANT , will find your contact as i drop it here on this site, and solution will come to them as they contact you. Thank you and God bless you to reach him email via: babaka.wolf@gmail.com
My name is Noman, I never thought I will smile again, My husband left me with two kids for one year, All effort to bring him back failed I thought I'm not going to see him again not until I met a lady called Jesse who told me about a spell caster called Dr.makana, She gave me his email address and mobile number and I contacted him and he assured me that within 48hours my husband will come back to me, In less than 48hours my husband came back started begging for forgiveness saying it is the devils work, so I'm still surprise till now about this miracle,i couldn't conceive but as soon as the spell was cast,i became pregnant and gave birth to my third child(Michelle) if you need any assistance from him you can contact him via:email drmakana666@gmail.com
At last my happiness is restored by a spell caster called OGAGA KUNTA.
I am May Debra from the UK. i want every one on this site or forum to
join me thank OGAGA KUNTA for what he did for me and my kids. I was
married to my husband for 5 years and we were living happily together
for this years until he traveled to Brazil for a business trip where
he met this prostitute who bewitched him to hate me and the kids and
love her only. when my husband came back from the trip he was not
playing is role as my husband and he became a stranger. He traveled to
Brazil every month. I was so confuse and i was searching for a way to
get him back . One faithful day I was browsing on my computer i saw a
testimony about this voodoo priest OGAGA kUNTA. The testimony
highlighted his powerful magic and the good it can do. According to
MONEY. I was surprise and ask myself "How come the world does not know
about this voodoo priest" but i was desperate so I gave it a try. I
contacted him through the contact information i saw on the post.
(ogagakunta@gmail.com ). He responded when i contacted him, i
explained to him my suffering and he assured me that i will find
solace with the help of his powerful magic. I gave him the go-ahead to
start work and a week later my husband arrived from Brazil and humbly
came to me begging for forgiveness. I was speechless for a moment
before i gave him a kiss. Whoever is interested in contacting this
voodoo priest please, do not let fear or doubt stop you. contact him
via: ogagakunta@gmail.com or on whatsapp +2348069032895
After being in relationship with Wilson for seven years,he broke up with me, I did everything possible to bring him back but all was in vain, I wanted him back so much because of the love I have for him, I begged him with everything, I made promises but he refused. I explained my problem to someone online and she suggested that I should contact a spell caster that could help me cast a spell to bring him back but I am the type that don't believed in spell, I had no choice than to try it, I meant a spell caster called Dr Zuma zuk and I email him, and he told me there was no problem that everything will be okay before three days, that my ex will return to me before three days, he cast the spell and surprisingly in the second day, it was around 4pm. My ex called me, I was so surprised, I answered the call and all he said was that he was so sorry for everything that happened, that he wanted me to return to him, that he loves me so much. I was so happy and went to him, that was how we started living together happily again. Since then, I have made promise that anybody I know that have a relationship problem, I would be of help to such person by referring him or her to the only real and powerful spell caster who helped me with my own problem and who is different from all the fake ones out there. Anybody could need the help of the spell caster, his email: spiritualherbalisthealing@gmail.com or call him +2349055637784 you can email him if you need his assistance in your relationship or anything. CONTACT HIM NOW FOR SOLUTION TO ALL YOUR PROBLEMS
This is my testimony about the good work of a man who helped me.� My name is maria cooker.� My life is back!!! After 8 years of marriage, my husband left me and left me with our three kids. I felt like my life was about to end, and was falling apart. Thanks to a spell caster called papa ork who i met online. On one faithful day, as I was browsing through the internet, I was searching for a good spell caster that can solve my problems. I came across series of testimonies about this particular spell caster. Some people testified that he brought their Ex lover back, some testified that he restores womb, some testified that he can cast a spell to stop divorce and so on.� There was one particular testimony I saw, it was about a woman called grace,she testified about how papa ork brought back her Ex lover in less than 72 hours and at the end of her testimony she drop papa ork e-mail address. After reading all these,I decided to give papa a try. I contacted him via email and explained my problem to him. In just 3 days, my husband came back to me. We solved our issues, and we are even happier than before. papa ork is really a talented and gifted man and i will not to stop publishing him because he is a wonderful man.� If you have a problem and you are looking for a real and genuine spell caster to solve that problem for you. Try the great papa ork today, he might be the answer to your problem.� Here's his contact: orkstarspell@gmail.com
Contact him for the following:
(1)If you want your ex back.
(2) if you always have bad dreams.
(3)You want to be promoted in your office.
(4)You want women/men to run after you.
(5)If you want a child.
(6)You want to be rich.
(7)You want to tie your husband/wife to be yours forever.
(8)If you need financial assistance.
(9)Herbal care
10)Help bringing people out of prison
11)HIV/AIDS and cancer cure.
12)Revenge and death spell.
13)Lottery winning spell.
14)Money spell.
Contact him today on:
orkstarspell@gmail.com � you can also visit his website: orkstarspell.tk or send a message to him on what's app + 2349039553523
hello my name is nakisha i want you all to join me to thank this man for restoring my home with my ex husband who dump me for another woman for 5 years,. At first i never believed DR OGUDUGU will be able to help me win back my EX HUSBAND from this other woman but because i still love him and need him in my life.. i work and follow DR OGUDUGU instruction and it surprise me that after 3 Days of casting the spell and working with DR OGUDUGU, my EX HUSBAND called me asking me to forgive and forget the everything he has done to me that he still love me... now myself and my husband are fulling back together and we are very happy with our new life ... all thanks to DR OGUDUGU for the great work he has done for me.. i promise to always share his good work to the whole wide world and if any body is out there passing through any relationship difficulties should kindly contact him via email: drogudugusolutionspell@gmail.com or whatsapp +2349097050691
(1) If you want your ex back.
(2) if you always have bad dreams.
(3) You want to be promoted in your office.
(4) You want women/men to run after you.
(5) If you want a child.
(6) You want to be rich.
(7) You want to tie your husband/wife to be
yours forever.
(8) If you need financial assistance.
(9) Herbal care.
contact DR OGUDUGU via his email for a total solution drogudugusolutionspell@gmail.com
I am happy to say at the beginning of this year, I have met someone else. Someone that is much more suited for me, meets 99% of the critia on "my list" (in the work, he asked me to create a list of the qualities of a man I would like to have in my life). I recently spoke to Dr. Todd again on the phone to touch base and to see what spirits insight were on my new relationship. 13 days from the time I spoke to him, EVERYTHING he said came to pass regarding my new guy. WHAT IS EVEN MORE AMAZING is that after I spoke to him a few weeks ago, I pulled out my notes from our first phone conversation last year, back then he told me about the man I am currently seeing, practically describing him to a tee as well as the timing of when he would enter my life. For the first time in my life, I feel like I am a whole person, on my own (not needing a man) and am truly happy and grateful for everything life has to offer. I whole heartedly believe that this is because of Dr. Todd and the work we did. He always knows best and I will be a life long client. Thank you Dr. Todd!! e-mail: manifestspellcast@gmail.com
i am Michelle Bradley by name. Greetings to every one that is reading this testimony. I have been rejected by my husband after three(3) years of marriage just because another woman had a spell on him and he left me and the kid to suffer. one day when i was reading through the web, i saw a post on how this spell caster on this address astoriashrine@gmail.com, have help a woman to get back her husband and i gave him a reply to his address and he told me that a woman had a spell on my husband and he told me that he will help me and after 3 days that i will have my husband back. i believed him and today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the power to bring lovers back. because i am now happy with my husband. Thanks for helping me Dr.Paul contact him on email: astoriashrine@gmail.com Dr Paul TEMPLE..or him on Whats-app+2349051441669 or directly on website:http://astoriaspell4allnation.webs.com/
I promise to share this testimony all over the world once my boyfriend return back to me, and today with all due respect i want to thank DR.OLOKUM for bringing joy and happiness to my relationship and my family. I want to inform you all that there is a spell caster that is real and genuine. I never believed in any of these things until i loose my boyfriend, I required help until i found a grate spell caster, And he cast a love spell for me, and he assured me that I will get my boyfriend back in two days after the spell has been cast. two days later, my phone rang, and so shockingly, it was my boyfriend who has not called me for past 4 years now, and made an apology for the heart break, and told me that he is ready to be my back bone till the rest of his life with me. DR.OLOKUM released him up to know how much i loved and wanted him. And opened his eyes to picture how love much we have share together. As I`m writing this testimony right now I`m the most happiest girl on earth and me and my boyfriend is living a happy life and our love is now stronger than how it were even before our break up. So that`s why I promised to share my testimony all over the universe.All thanks goes to DR.OLOKUM for the excessive work that he has done for me. Below is the LAVENDERLOVESPELL@YAHOO.COM Are you undergoing a heart break, and I assure you that as he has done mine for me, he will definitely help you too. that is his email address LAVENDERLOVESPELL@YAHOO.COM
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